Footworks Clips

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Keeping the Beat
Selections from Footworks' School Assembly Program, "Keeping the Beat".
Hot Strings and Flying Feet
With a dazzling and diverse array of traditional and original music and choreography, HOT STRINGS AND FLYING FEET takes you on a journey that conveys the roots and branches of American music and dance, integrating live music, song, and dance to illuminate connections between cultures.
Steps and Stripes. An overview of Steps and Stripes, the newest production from Footworks in celebration of the bicenntenial of the Star Spangled Banner.
Shakori Hills Festival
Here are some highlights from Footworks set at the Shakori Hills Festival in North Carolina.
Footworks Assembly Program. Footworks presents live music and authentic American traditional dance in an energetic, engaging performance with plenty of audience participation.
Arts In Education
An overview of some of Footworks' work in the schools.